Move Mindfully. Eat Well. Live Fully

Move Mindfully

Hi There! SO glad you are here. I am Jenny MacKenzie; a huge proponent of moving your body mindfully and purposefully; in ways that make you feel better, move better, live better- not just make you tired. I have written an e-guide, complete with pictures, explanations and full length flows (done in real time, with ME!), designed to help you learn your body mechanics and the basics of incorporating mindful feel good movement sequences of your very own into your every day life. It can be found here and costs less than a cup of Starbucks Coffee! Check it out and see if my style is right for you.

Flow On Your Own: A Guide to Mindfully Developing Your Home Practice


If you are looking to go beyond the book and are looking for more varied workouts, my training style incorporates various techniques and draws deep roots from yogic exercises, done circuit and/or Flow Style. It includes, but is not limited to Resistance Training, Yoga, Circuit Work, High Intensity Interval Training and Balance techniques. I enjoy incorporating the outdoors and/or parks if that suits your lifestyle as well!

Here is a link to my App if you would like to check out more of my style and work out with me even more!

I also post movement sequences every so often on the Mindful Movement tab of the website, if you’d like to check that out.

Follow along and connect with me on social media! I’d SO love to hear from you and use that as another accountability vessel. I can be found on Instagram @jennymackenzie on Facebook HERE. Or you can feel free to contact me via my Contact tab to see if Virtual and/or Private sessions would be a good fit for you. I can’t wait to get started!

I also have a great deal of *FREE* Pre+Post Natal Fitness Videos on my YouTube Channel if that is your current *beautiful* stage of life. I absolutely loved all of my pregnancies and  personally used these videos to stay active and feel my best. I had 3 vaginal deliveries: 2 natural  and 1 induction (by choice- third pregnancy y’all and he was 1 day late. I was DONE). Feel free to ask me about any of those too… this mama LOVES sharing her birth stories.

Eat Well

I am no nutritionist, but I absolutely LOVE researching, cooking and making all kinds of yummy food that nourish me and my family. You can find those on the Blog and Recipes section of my website. I sure hope you enjoy them. Feel free to ask me questions about those in the Comments section. It is the best way for me to answer questions specific to the recipe.


Live Fully

Not a ton to say here, except that incorporating the 2 aforementioned bullets will help you do this well! I plan on adding a Travel Tab to the blog as it is a big passion of mine and helps to showcase how this works.

Thanks All for your Time!
